Category: The Counselor's Corner
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The Bully Proof Vest |
Shannon writes, "When kids are bullied, they want nothing more than to make the bullying stop. Their inability to stand up is deeply rooted in their fear for their safety. So how do we bully proof our kids?"
Posted on Nov 16, 2012 00:01am.
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Perception is Everything |
Shannon writes, "In lieu of my normal writing I want to share some of my favorite thoughts / quotes that speak to our experiences growing up as well as our own children's."
Posted on May 17, 2012 10:49am.
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Lying |
Shannon writes, "How do we teach our children not to lie when we as adults lie as a part of daily life?"
Posted on Apr 13, 2012 15:21pm.
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Inadequacy & Service |
Shannon writes, "Are you helping your children learn the skills needed to get through their day, or are you doing everything for them just to get out the door? Here are some tips for fostering adequacy that will help your child gain independence while easing your stress levels."
Posted on Mar 15, 2012 16:10pm.
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The Path to a Better, Healthier You |
Lisa writes, "Anyone who has tackled changing a long-standing habit knows that it is not just about willpower or good intentions. Lifestyle changes include shifting mindset, motivation and intent. The encouraging, good news is that by incorporating recent research findings, long-term lasting change is possible without the help from therapists or expensive special programs. Here's what the latest research on habit-breaking and motivation suggests for a better you."
Posted on Feb 23, 2012 14:49pm.
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Misguided Goal of Revenge |
Shannon writes, "At some point in time our children engage in behavior that is steeped in the misguided goal of revenge. They want us to hurt as badly as they hurt. If you find yourself responding emotionally to your child in disbelief, hurt, disgust or disappointment this is information to act on."
Posted on Feb 16, 2012 11:33am.
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Misguided Control |
Shannon writes, "We love our children. They make us laugh. They amaze us. They are intelligent beyond their years. They replicate us in so many ways. They challenge us to grow. The list goes on and on about the ways children are our gift. So how is it that we can feel so angry, challenged, threatened or defeated by them sometimes?"
Posted on Jan 12, 2012 16:07pm.
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