
Safety During the Holidays |
DBorgquist writes, "The Holidays are upon us! Great times, busy times, busy roads, and ever-changing weather conditions. Here are some important reminders for keeping yourself and your family safe this season."
Drive with caution. Wet or icy roads can cause great difficulty; control can be lost in a second. Please remember not to text while driving, it's just not worth the risk. Leave early for your destination so you don't feel rushed. Relax and increase the space between your car and the one in front of you.
As our thoughts are bouncing around from shopping, to all the things holidays include, be sure to focus on safety. Keep your kids in sight when shopping, keep car doors locked whether you are in or out of the car. Look around carefully if you find yourself in a parking lot at night. Feel free to ask security or anyone working at a store to walk you to your car, that's what they are there for. Pay attention to your senses, if you sense something is wrong, it probably is.
Parties and get-togethers are great fun, just play it safe. Don't drink and drive, have a designated driver. After you have been drinking is not the time to decide if you are OK to drive. Call a taxi, it's worth it.
You may be planning to travel over the holidays. Keep doors and windows locked. Don't tell people, especially on Facebook, that you are leaving an empty home either for a trip out of town or for an afternoon of shopping. Stop by our office for a "vacation watch" and we can check on your home for you while you are away or ask a trusted neighbor to help keep an eye out for you.
We sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a wonderful New Year. We will be out there, watching out for you, because every one of you is the reason we are here.
Dana Borgquist
Eagle Chief of Police
Posted on Dec 02, 2012 11:15am.
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