
Picture Frame Ornament |
catie writes, "A recycled plastic lid makes a perfect frame for a tiny picture to hang on the tree. You choose the colors: bright neons are fun and unexpected; red, green, and white will make a more traditional ornament."

Recycled plastic lid {we used Play-Doh lids in bright colors}
Hole punch
White glue
Pipe cleaner
Hot glue gun
Clear packing tape
Double-stick tape
Tiny photo
1) Attach a Ribbon
Using a hole punch, make a hole at the top of your lid. We made our hole just inside the lip, at the very edge of the flat part. Cut a piece of ribbon about 16" long. Tie the ends of the ribbon together. Thread the center fold of the ribbon through the hole, then pull the knotted end through the loop. This makes a girth hitch and is perfect for hanging.
2) Add Felt
Cut a circle of felt to fit inside your lid frame. Cut a tiny notch at the top for the hole, then glue into place with regular white glue.
3) Add a Pipe Cleaner
Bend the ends of a pipe cleaner together, then thread through the hole in your lid. Gently shape the pipe cleaner to fit the inside frame of your lid. Trim the excess ends at the back. leaving about an inch on either end. Carefully glue onto the felt with a couple dots of hot glue. Bend the ends flat to the back of the lid and tape down with clear packing tape. {Optional: Before taping the pipe cleaner ends, add a little piece of paper with your name and date. One piece of tape will cover the ends and the paper.} The pipe cleaner will hide the hole at the top.
4) Add a Picture
Use double-stick tape to attach a small photo in the center. {Optional: Depending on the size of your photo, you can layer another small piece of felt in a contrasting color behind the photo. Use a few tiny dots to glue it down to the felt backing, then add your photo.}
5) Hang on Your Tree
Photo ornaments are a great way to remember holidays past.
Other ideas:
~ Tie or tape a picture frame ornament to the top of a wrapped present as a fun decoration.
~ Make an ornament for each member of your family - don't forget your dog & cat!
~ Add a jingle bell to your ribbon hanger.
~ Try gold & silver metallic pipe cleaners for an ornament with shine & sparkle.
Catie Eyer
Artist, mom, and blogger at http://five-ten-fifteen.blogspot.com
Posted on Dec 09, 2012 10:27am.
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