
Homemade Coupons |
catie writes, "Do you need a present in a jiffy? Print out some coupons, then customize them for everyone on your list."
Printable coupon sheet {or make your own}
Decorations {optional}
1) Print
Download and print a sheet of coupons at
You could also make your own design.
2) Customize
Here are some coupon ideas to get you thinking:
~ hug
~ wash the car
~ feed the cat
~ movie night
~ breakfast in bed
~ walk the dog
~ clean my room
~ draw a picture
~ pull weeds
~ set the table
~ sweep the patio
~ vacuum the car
~ 30 minutes of silence
~ back rub
~ fold the laundry
~ bubble bath
~ bake cookies
~ rake the leaves
~ vacuum
~ manicure or pedicure
~ bake a cake
~ do the dishes
~ play a favorite game
3) Decorate
Use colored pencils or markers to add some art to your coupons. Some glue & glitter will make them look extra fancy.
Try this:
~ Staple several coupons together with a colorful cover to make a book of coupons. You could make 12 coupons, one for each month of the year.
Catie Eyer
Artist, mom, and blogger at http://five-ten-fifteen.blogspot.com
Posted on Dec 22, 2012 15:01pm.
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